Friendship Quilters Guild includes Philanthropy as part of its endeavor to make and donate quilted items to charitable, non-profit organizations in the San Diego area. Please contact Ruth O’Neil at friendshipquiltersinfo@gmail.com regarding philanthropy matters.
We create and make donations to:
- Placemats and quilts for Meals-on-Wheels
- Quilts for Project Linus
- Quilts for Elizabeth Hospice
- Quilts for Quilts Beyond Borders
- other quilted items for charitable organizations as requested
Volunteers routinely gather to work on philanthropy projects. All are welcome to gather at Quilter’s Paradise, 304 Enterprise Street Suite A Escondido , CA 92029 on the 1st and 3rd Fridays from 9 AM to 3 PM.
Friendship Quilters Guild is fortunate to have donated fabrics on hand from which we create kits for placemats, quilt tops and quilt kits ready to quilt and bind. These kits may be checked out at regular guild meetings and returned at the quilter’s convenience. Members are encouraged to contribute quilts and placemats that they have made on their own as well. We also host Quilt-a-thon days where members meet for sit and sew time to assemble quilts and placemats from the kits that we have made. It is also a chance to have some fun as we visit and share with our friends in the guild.
Once a year we have a Philanthropy Night as one of the monthly meetings. Members come to cut and make quilt kits, sew batting, and tie quilts to help fulfill the Philanthropy role at Friendship Quilters.
Meals-on-Wheels (meals-on-wheels.org) offers daily meals to seniors over 60. For those who can eat out, meals are provided in a central location. For those who cannot get get out, meals are brought to them, which means that someone visits with them daily and provides social interaction and safety checks. The placemats we make are approximately 14” x 17”.
These are some sample placemats:
Quilts for Project Linus
Project Linus (projectlinus.org) provides blankets and quilts to seriously ill and traumatized children 0 to 18 years old. We make 100% cotton or flannel quilts. Recommended sizes are: Neonatal – 24” x 26”, Baby – 36” x 40”, Child – 40” x 48”, Teen – 40” x 60”. Quilts that are a bit larger or smaller are also acceptable. The greatest need is for teen quilts.
Quilts Beyond Borders
Quilts Beyond Borders is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) non-profit organization which reaches out to under-served children, mainly orphans, across the world to provide a handmade quilt and spread love and hope. For size criteria, visit https://quiltsbeyondborders.wordpress.com/quilt-dimensions/
The Elizabeth Hospice
The Elizabeth Hospice provides medical, emotional and spiritual support to children and adults faced with the challenges associated with a life-threatening illness, and restores hope to grieving children and adults who are feeling lost and alone. Based in Escondido, recipients in San Diego county are comforted by quilts of various sizes and designs. https://elizabethhospice.org